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University of Pavia
Developing Accessibility
Techniques and Experiences

Alessandro Greco
Professor, University of Pavia - Italy
Graduated in Civil Engineering at the University of Pavia. PhD in Urban Planning Technology at the Department of Building and Territorial Engineering (DISET) of Politecnico of Milano. Component of the Scientific Committee and Visiting Professor in International design workshops (Torino 2007, Santiago de Chile 2008, Cagliari 2009, Bahia 2010, Pavia 2011, Cagliari 2011, Pavia 2012); Visiting Professor at the SEK University of Santiago de Chile for the Master in Architectural Restoration. From 2011 to 2013 Rector's Delegate for "Sport, disabled students, students with learning difficulties and weak people" and President of SAISD Services Centre (Assistance Service and Integration for Students with Disabilities). Coordinator and Scientific director of several researches on the topics of architectural and sensorial barriers overcoming, and the themes related to the accessibility and usability for weak users, at urban and building scale. Professor in Technical Architecture 2 and Building Techniques for Sustainable Building for the Master Degree in Building Engineering and Architecture of the University of Pavia.
Born in Como (Italy) in 1985. Graduated cum laude in Building Engineering and Architecture at the University of Pavia in 2010 - the experimental thesis “Multipurpose Centre for disabled people in Pavia” won the “Carlo Maddalena Onlus” award. PhD in Civil and Architectural Engineering at the University of Pavia with the thesis "Culture of Accessibility and Accessibility of Culture: an assessment tool for historical university buildings". Attended the training course for experts in the architectural barriers removal “Accessibility Culture and Project” (Sondrio, 2011). Participant in design teams in the competition “Pavia for all” (winner project 2006) and in the International Workshop “Design for all” (winner project 2007, Torino). Laboratory assistant in Technical Architecture 2 of the Degree Course in Building Engineering and Architecture at the University of Pavia (prof. Alessandro Greco). Delegate in national and international Congresses and Tutor in national and international workshops (URSD 2011, ArciLab 2011, ARIEL 2012, WSA 2013, ABC 2014, I_AM_Duomo 2015).
Valentina Giacometti
PhD, University of Pavia - Italy

Graduated in Building Engineering and Architecture at the University of Pavia in 2012. Worked in some archtectural studios and at University as assistant professor in two courses and competitions. Also partecipated in some architectural contests. Assistent professor in Technical Architecture 2 for degree course in Building Engineering and Architecture at University of Pavia (project awarded with a special mention). Workshop assistant in “Winter School of Accessibility with ThyssenKrupp Encasa” (2012), and in the Intensive Programme ABC - Accessibility and Buildings' Conservation (2014), directed by prof. Alessandro Greco (winner project). From May - June 2012, project of seven tactile maps of the principal lecture rooms of University of Pavia (STEP laboratory and University of Pavia). December 2010 - March 2012: Area 22F, engineer and architectural studio in Pavia: main activities: projects, architectural surveys, calculation estimates. November 2012: secondo classified - competition about the stairs of the University of Pavia, managed by “MoreThanArch” and University of Pavia: “Risali la Nave” with eng. V. Giacometti and eng. G. Fagà. June 2012 - July 2012: Studio Associato 78 and arch. Vincenzo Bertoletti. Competition about two residential buildings in Casorate Primo managed by Rho Foundation.
Matteo Locatelli
PhD Student, University of Pavia - Italy

Graduated in Building Engineering and Architecture at the University of Pavia in 2011. The master thesis concerned the project of an university residence in Santiago de Chile (supervisors: Prof. Alessandro Greco and Prof. Jaime Migone Rettig). After the graduation worked in an engineering company mainly involved in projects of public buildings focusing on the executive stage and on the site management. Also participated in many design competitions. Actually PhD student in Civil and Architectural Engineering at the University of Pavia (tutor: Prof. Alessandro Greco) with a research thesis on the typological, technical and energetic rehabilitation of historical student residences. Participant in International Research Meetings. Assistant professor for the courses of Technical Architecture 2 and Building Techniques for Sustainable Construction (Building Engineering and Architecture degree at University of Pavia). Workshop assistant in the “Intensive Programme ABC - Accessibility and Buildings' Conservation” in Pavia - 2014, “La città inclusiva: progettare spazi pubblici senza barriere – Festival Alfabeti Differenti” in Pavia - 2014 (winning project), “IV Seminario Internacional – Patrimonio Arquitectonico” in Santiago de Chile – 2013.

Gian Luigi Pietra / Marco Morandotti
Elisa Brera / Valentina Cinieri / Filippo Condorelli / Annamaria Franco /
Riccardo Gandolfi / Roberta Mirabile
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