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GRECO A., MARTINEZ SIERRA E., GIACOMETTI V., PIETRA G., "An Inclusive project for Plaza Marrón: survey, analysis and solutions for all". TCP-Pavia. ISBN 978-88-98567-28-7.
GRECO A., GIACOMETTI V. (edited by), 2016, “Improving the Accessibility of the Cathedral in Milano: approaches and results of the workshop I_AM_Duomo”. Quaderni dell’Almo Collegio Borromeo, Pavia. ISBN 978-88-941763-0-8
GRECO A. (a cura di), 2014. Accessibility and Buildings’ Conservation: methods, experiences and projects. KM Studio Edizioni (Milano). ISBN 9788890750564. Download:
GRECO A., 2014. Accessibility of historical urban spaces: methods and solutions for all users. Proceedings REHAB 2014 (pag. 843-850, vol. 2), International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures. Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development. Atti in formato digitale (ISBN 978-989-8734-02-0). DOI: 10.14575/GL/REHAB2014/085
GRECO A. (a cura di), 2013. Studiare e progettare l’accessibilità degli edifici storici. Winter School in Accessibility with ThyssenKrupp Encasa. Edicom Edizioni, Monfalcone (Gorizia). ISBN 9788896386231.
GRECO A., 2012. The Central Building of the University of Pavia: Accessibility and Enhancement. Proceedings of TRANSED 2012 - 13th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled People – Atti in formato digitale.
GRECO A., GULLI R., 2012. Intervenire sul costruito. Norme tecniche e progetto per la riqualificazione del patrimonio esistente. Edicom Edizioni, Monfalcone (Gorizia). ISBN 9788896386194.
GRECO A., GANDOLFI R., MORANDOTTI M. 2011. Wayfinding in the University of Pavia enhancing architectural heritage. Proceedings of
RESNA 2011 – Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America – Atti in formato digitale.
GRECO A., MIGONE RETTIG J., LOPEZ CORDEIRO J.M., 2011. Ascensores y Funicolares del Mundo. Universidad Internacional SEK, Santiago del Cile.
GRECO A., 2010. Pavia for all: experience for accessible cultural tourism. Proceedings of TRANSED 2010 - 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled People – Atti in formato digitale.
GRECO A., GANDOLFI R., 2009. Sustainable tourism and accessibility of historical city centre. Atti del Convegno internazionale Turismo sostenibile come leva di sviluppo locale, Castellani V. e Sala S. (a cura di), Tangram Edizioni Scientifiche, Milano.
GRECO A., GANDOLFI R., 2009. An accessibility analysis model to make more liveable urban spaces. Proceedings of 47th International Making Cities Livable Conference, Portland, 10-14 maggio 2009. 
GRECO A., 2008. La sicurezza in ambito di Housing Sociale: una declinazione della sostenibilità. Atti del Convegno “Vivibilità e sicurezza nell’edilizia residenziale pubblica 2008”, ITEA Trento.
GRECO A., GANDOLFI R., 2008. Sustainable tourism and accessibility of historical city centre. Atti del Convegno Internazionale “Turismo come leva di sviluppo locale”, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca – GRISS Gruppo di ricerca sullo sviluppo sostenibile, Monza.
GRECO A., 2007. Distribuzione, domotica e sicurezza nell’alloggio. Atti del Terzo Convegno Nazionale “Tecnologie ed Economia della Domotica. Sicurezza della casa e dei suoi abitanti – Formazione dei tecnici”, AEIT, Milano.
GRECO A., ET AL., 2007. Knowledge to conservation. Integrated methods of analysis regarding an historical monument. Proceedings of ITECOM European Conference 2003 – “Innovative Technologies and Materials for the Protection of Cultural Heritage. Industry, Research, Education: European Acts and Perspectives”, Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens. ISBN 9608369061.
GRECO A., 2006. Cultura e tecniche per l’adeguamento dell’edilizia residenziale esistente. Atti del secondo congresso internazionale Ar. Tec. “Intervenire sul patrimonio edilizio. Cultura e Tecnica”, Celid, Torino. ISBN 8876617183.
GIACOMETTI V., 2014, Accessibility of historical buildings: to assess, to design, to enhance. In Proceedings of ATINER 2014 - Fourth Annual International Conference on Architecture (07-10 July 2014, Athen, Greece). Edited by Gregory T. Papanikos. Architecture Abstracts: ISBN: 978-618-5065-56-0.
GIACOMETTI V., 2014, The Mondino Institute: problems and opportunities. In GRECO A. (edited by), Accessibility and Buildings’ Conservation: methods, experiences and projects”. I-book, KM Studio edition. ISBN-978-88-907505-6-4.
GIACOMETTI V., 2014, Accessible urban link (Group 5). In GRECO A. (edited by), Accessibility and Buildings’ Conservation: methods, experiences and projects. I-book, KM Studio edition. ISBN-978-88-907505-6-4.
GIACOMETTI V., 2014, Heritage Accessibility: inclusive design solutions for Palazzo San Felice in Pavia. In Proceedings of REHAB 2014 International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures (19-21 March 2014, Tomar, Portugal). Edited by Rogerio Amoeda, Sergio Lira, Cristina Pinheiro. Abstract: ISBN 978-989-8734-00-6, p. 95. Full paper: p. 835-842. Green Line Institute for Sustainable Development, e-ISBN 978-989-8734-02-0.
GIACOMETTI V., 2013, Cultura dell’Accessibilità e Accessibilità della Cultura: uno strumento di valutazione per l’edilizia universitaria storica. Tesi di Dottorato XXVI ciclo (XII nuova serie), Corso di Dottorato in Ingegneria Civile ed Edile/Architettura dell’Università di Pavia (Relatore: prof. Alessandro Greco).
GIACOMETTI V., GRECO A., 2013, Accessibility and Social Sustainability: Assessment tools for urban spaces and buildings. In Proceedings of PLEA 2013 – Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future, International Conference (10-12 September 2013). Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Munich, 2013. ISBN: 978-3-8167-9053-2, ISBN (E-Book, Proceedings): 978-3-8167-9054-9.
GIACOMETTI V., 2013, Introduzione al Gruppo 6-wi join: un filo che unisce. In GRECO A. (a cura di), 2013, Studiare e progettare l’accessibilità degli edifici storici. Winter School in Accessibility with ThyssenKrupp Encasa, EdicomEdizioni, Monfalcone, pp. 152-155. ISBN: 978-88-96386-23-1.
GIACOMETTI V., 2013, Accesibilidad y memoria: un método de evaluación de la accesibilidad de los colegios históricos en Pavia. In Proceedings of ArquiMemória 4 – Encuentro Internacional sobre Preservación del Patrimonio Edificado (14-17 May 2013). Comunika Press, Salvador de Bahia.
GIACOMETTI V., GRECO A., 2012. Accessibility of Italian Historical Universities. Proceedings of TRANSED 2012 - 13th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled People – Atti in formato digitale.
GIACOMETTI V., 2012, Accessibility and usability of the historical Boarding Schools in Pavia. In Proceedings of TRANSED 2012 – 13th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled People, New Delhi, India (17-21 September 2012). Atti in formato digitale.
GIACOMETTI V., 2012, Accessibility and Social Sustainability: assessment methods for Italian universities. In Proceedings of ZEMCH 2012 International Conference, Glasgow (August 2012). ISBN: 978-0-9574189-0-5.
GIACOMETTI V., 2011, Accessibilità e fruibilità dei Beni Culturali: metodi e modelli per una progettazione consapevole. In Proceedings of the Research in PhD_toward a shared knowledge, CO.D.A.T., Rome, 18 February 2011.
LOCATELLI M., GRECO A., 2014. Accessibility of historical students’ accomodations: methods and solution. Proceedings of XII International Forum - Le Vie dei Mercanti - Best Practice in Heritage Conservation Management - From the World to Pompei. La Scuola di Pitagora editrice. ISBN: 978-88-6542-347-9.
LOCATELLI M., 2014, Inside/Outside Museum (Group 3). In GRECO A. (edited by), Accessibility and Buildings’ Conservation: methods, experiences and projects. I-book, KM Studio edition. ISBN-978-88-907505-6-4.
LOCATELLI M., 2014, #whynot? (Group 4). In GRECO A. (edited by), Accessibility and Buildings’ Conservation: methods, experiences and projects. I-book, KM Studio edition. ISBN-978-88-907505-6-4.
LOCATELLI M., 2013, Pezzo introduttivo al gruppo n.4. In GRECO A. (a cura di), 2013, Studiare e progettare l’accessibilità degli edifici storici. Winter School in Accessibility with ThyssenKrupp Encasa, EdicomEdizioni, Monfalcone, pp. 132-135. ISBN: 978-88-96386-23-1.
ROMANO E., 2014. Requalification of historic buildings with special reference to the typological, technical and energetic aspects of collective residences. Proceedings of XII International Forum Le Vie Deoi Mercanti, Capri, Italy.
ROMANO E., 2014. Rehabilitation of historic buildings with special reference to the typological, technical and energetic aspects of collective residences. A method to requalify the student residences. Proceedings of Fourth Annual International Conference on Architecture, Athens, Greece.
ROMANO E., GRECO A., 2013. Un planteamento integrador de la conservacion del edificio historico: la experiencia del Edificio Central de la Universidad de Pavia. Encontro Internacional ArquiMemoria 4 Sobre preservacao do Patrimonio Edificado: A dimensao urbana do Patrimonio – Salvador Bahia, Brasile, 14-17 maggio – Atti in formato digitale.
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